
Color up your day

Colors can really brighten up your day, and the brand Essentiel absolutely knows how to do that! I'm a big fan of Inge Onsea her creations as they give me instant happiness! When shopping an afternoon with my dear mom in fashion walhalla Brussels, I thought it was time for a new Essentiel outfit in my wardrobe. In Leuven, I already did some little prospections (as a little pause during study-time), and I immediately fell in love with this skirt. The fabric where it's made of is just so fun! I combined it with a cool top, decorated with the well-known Essentiel sequins. The handbag that I'm wearing on the pictures is also from Essentiel, but from 2 seasons ago: I'm still so fond of this Mulberry Alexa look-a-like...

Outfit: top Essentiel - skirt Essentiel - handbag Essentiel - bracelet Delvaux - mocassins Scapa 

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